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Pic of the Week

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

We had big plans for today-we were going to go to Springfield and take the kids to the zoo, then come back to Jacksonville and have a cookout dinner at my mom's house.

Then last night the kids got hit hard with colds. Both of them were up most of the night, so much that I was never in bed for a 30 minute period myself. Jeremy was up a lot helping too. Between the fact that we were all exhausted this morning, compounded by the raging thunderstorms outside, we opted out of the zoo trip.

Instead we spent a lazier day with a cookout lunch at mom's, buying some lawn chairs, and organizing a few things in the trailer. Now that the couch is moved out we can get a better idea of how it's really going to be in there. It's so exciting every time we go in there to dream of all the places we'll be going and people we'll be seeing. We can hardly wait to hit the road!


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