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Pic of the Week

Friday, April 10, 2009

Total Failure

Our first attempt at a garage sale-utter failure.

It was about 50 degrees and spitting rain here. By the time I got over to the house (I won't even go into that story) Mom, David, and Michael were already putting tables outside. Mom had some gazebo things that she thought would keep things dry, but it was a total bust. Everything was soaked and after less than an hour I said forget it and we brought it all back in. Thankfully not everything had made it outside, so all my scrapbooking supplies are still good, and we brought things in before everything was ruined. But a lot of the cardboard boxes are warped, and the clothes are soaked...I hope everything dries out by tomorrow. It's not supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe it will go better.

The good news is I sold $67.75 worth of stuff and you can hardly see a difference.

Edited to add: Someone else stopped by and bought our jumperoo! Now we've passed the $100 mark with lots to go. :)


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