The stroller bag came today.
It's not quite as easy as we hoped to get it in there. We knew we'd have to take the wheels off. But I'm confused, because there are three very clearly labeled wheel pockets and four wheels on the stroller. It fits in the bag, but just barely. I think I'll be calling tomorrow to see if I'm missing something.
Today was an errand day. Returning some things to stores, cashing in some rain checks, and tracking down some missing paperwork. Lots of running. The kids were pretty good for the most part, except for Ian thinking it was great fun to pick the shoes off the shelf and throw them in a pile on the floor at the kids' clothing store.
We had a few hours of mild panic when we went to look for our hot air balloon ride certificate and couldn't find it. We bought it in an auction for our anniversary over a year ago, but they wouldn't take us last year while I was pregnant. We want to go while we're in Colorado, since the scenery would be absolutely breathtaking and we'll even have a babysitter. The certificate had been kept in one specific place for a year...until the open house. After much searching (there's not much left in our house, so there weren't too many places it could be) we did track it down. We'll be calling tomorrow to see if we can set something up.
Also still trying to find a campground for the 4th of July. I guess we should have been booking that months ago because everywhere around Mt. Rushmore is booked solid. We may be staying at a gas station that weekend. ;)
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