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Pic of the Week

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The weekend

Yesterday was nice. It was pretty low-key around here, but Jeremy did get some yardwork done and I have straightened up the basement a little, and done a few more small things like listing items on Craigslist and pull more things for the yard sale. We also went to the park with Ian and took some adorable pictures of Rinnah there and in the tub. (Ian was not so cooperative for the camera.)

From Late Feb/March

From Late Feb/March

From Late Feb/March

From Late Feb/March

Not too happy about her brother splashing her.
From Late Feb/March

From Late Feb/March

We also spent some time compiling a list of RV books that look interesting. There are so many books out there about RV maintenance, and living in an RV, and cooking in an RV, and where to go in your RV....I think at minimum we'll need to purchase a good atlas, a good campground directory, and a good basic maintenance 101 type book since we have no idea what we're doing yet. It's just hard to decipher which will be the best from the descriptions online.


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