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Pic of the Week

Friday, March 20, 2009

More cleaning

More cleaning today. We have more or less gotten the first floor ready to show now. It's kind of strange; it almost doesn't feel like our house anymore. All our pictures are put away, and most of our personal stuff. We put away most of the kitchen appliances and decorations. A lot of things have been sent to my mom's to get ready for the garage sale. It just looks kind of....sparse. I mean, that's the whole point-make it look big and open and impersonal, so people can imagine their own things here. But it still feels strange.

We're still trying to decide what to do this weekend. There are so many things we should do-rake the yard, fix things around the house, move out some furniture, touch up some paint, clean out the garage, price things for the garage sale....we have hours and hours of work to do. But we've worked hard all week and we need a little downtime too. Maybe we'll look through all the brochures for exciting campgrounds we picked up at the RV show and see if any places should be on our destination list. That would be fun, and it's almost productive even.


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