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Pic of the Week

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Train ride

Ian took his nap today so we got to take our train ride!

We got off to a bit of a late start. We would have made it, but we got delayed by, of all things, a train. Between starting on a later train, the trains running a bit behind, and a long delay we weren't planning for at the other end it took quite a bit longer than we planned. But that's okay. Everything takes longer than we plan, and Ian really enjoyed the ride. It was his birthday after all.

Waiting for the light rail to take us to the transit center

From Ian's Birthday

On the big train
From Ian's Birthday

From Ian's Birthday

One of his presents was a new marker set, which he enjoyed on the train ride
From Ian's Birthday

Running down the train aisle while we were waiting at the far end of the line
From Ian's Birthday

Rinnah laughing at Ian running down the train aisle
From Ian's Birthday

Here's what the train looks like:

It was a nice ride. We got to see all sorts of interesting things on the ride, like some refineries, various types of trucks, construction sites, and horses. Ian had a good time and wants to go again tomorrow. Not your typical birthday party, but he had fun!


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