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Pic of the Week

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Packing up

Ian has been asking almost every day for the last three weeks if we are moving the new house today. I think he started getting stir crazy when we stayed here longer than a week. He was excited to hear that tomorrow we are moving the new house. We are almost through with our time here in Salt Lake City. It's amazing how much we've unpacked since we've been here, especially since we've had a shed outside with our campsite. Yesterday and today we spent quite a bit of time finishing our big reorganization project, doing laundry, and doing all the deep cleaning. We are probably 80% ready to hit the road.

Assuming the kids cooperate with our plans (ha, ha!) we're hoping to head out mid-afternoon tomorrow and drive for a few hours. We're headed to eastern Washington next, spending a week near a friend of mine there to break up the drive to Seattle. It definitely puts the bigger half for this weekend. We've got about 11 hours of driving and we're spreading it over three days, so it shouldn't be terrible. We're hoping to get 2 or 3 hours in tomorrow, then a long day of 5-6 hours on Saturday, then the rest on Sunday.

Between the flaky campground wifi and all the packing up we've been doing, I don't have any more fun pictures to share right now. Maybe tomorrow we'll get some as we hit the road again.

We have no idea where we'll sleep tomorrow (maybe somewhere in Idaho?) and that's such an exciting feeling! I love the freedom that we have being on the road.


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