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Pic of the Week

Monday, April 12, 2010

Garage sale success!

After much preparation, Saturday was our long-awaited garage sale. The weather was absolutely gorgeous-I couldn't have ordered it any better. Beautiful, sunny, about 70 degrees, just a slight breeze-it was ideal. And the sale was a huge success. We sold most of our big items, and a ton of baby clothes. It went so well that we have plenty for our Disney tickets plus we were able to order a new camera. We wanted to have a camera that can do video before our Disney trip, but my photography budget wasn't going to have enough until July. This way we had enough to make up the shortfall and we'll be able to take good videos at the park-I'm very excited about that!

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

Sunday the gorgeous weather continued so we took the opportunity to make washing the RV a family affair. David was nice enough to snap a few pictures for us while we scrubbed away, and the kids had a ball playing in the water and spraying the house. In fact, when we came home later Ian said the house was dirty and we should wash it again. :)

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

We also had plenty of chances to get out to the parks over the weekend, which was great for the kids. Between lousy weather and garage sale preparations, they've been inside more the last few weeks than they had since we moved into the RV and it was getting to them. Everybody's mood improved after we spent some time outside playing.

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

Ian ready to catch Rinnah
From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

From Family photos-Jacksonville, IL

1 comment:

Walt Disney World said...

Nice pics. Great to see The kids are having fun. Wish the best for the new lifestyle and Disney Trip

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